Sacroiliac products are made to provide relief from SIJ symptoms without continuous professional medical care. There are a small number of sacroiliac-specific products, but an exhaustive number of products meant to relieve general lower back pain, including that caused by SI joint concerns.
We are always leery of home use products for back pain, since most have proven themselves to be ineffectual, sometimes dangerous and virtually completely unregulated. In fact, the vast majority of back pain products are nothing more than scams which are sold to naive consumers who are basically looking for miracle cures for severe pain. We can start this essay off with an obvious point that seems to frequently go unheeded: If there was a “miracle back pain cure” then we would all know about it already and would be universally using it to help literally billions of people who suffer from dorsalgia.
This resource section acts as a consumer guide with the intention of protecting readers from suspect products. We will examine several categories of sacroiliac relief products and provide our opinions based on over 12 years of advocacy work for chronic pain sufferers.
Do Sacroiliac Products Provide Relief?
It is virtually unheard of for any type of professional care provider to recommend any type of product for their sacroiliac joint pain patients, with the exception of prescription drugs. This is already a very telling fact. If products were effective for relieving SIJ pain, then they would surely be widely recommended and utilized. Most patients who research home-use products fall into one of several possible categories:
They might not have any health insurance and can not afford professional medical treatment. Therefore, they are looking for a cheap, self-managed cure for their pain.
They might have suffered a bad experience with professional treatment and now distrust doctors. They instead choose to pursue a cure without professional assistance.
They might simply be desperate and ready to try anything that holds any hope for providing relief. This description fits many patients who have been suffering chronically and are potentially facing surgical intervention.
Categories of Sacroiliac Products
There are only a few categories of legitimate products that are generally utilized by SIJ pain patients. We examine these most common of these quality offerings in the section below. As each new treatise is published it will be available for research in the following section:
What is the best mattress for sacroiliac pain? Will your choice of sleep surface have a positive or negative impact on your pain?
Is there a best chair for sacroiliac pain? Are some chairs better than others when it comes to providing a comfortable seated experience with a sacroiliac joint pain problem?
OTC sacroiliac medicine allows patients to self-medicate, usually at less risk than using prescription pharmaceutical compounds. However, OTC drugs can still be very dangerous, so be sure to read our warnings to ensure your safety and health when using over the counter pharmacological agents.
Sacroiliac Product Cautions
So many products are completely useless for SI joint pain (and virtually any other type of pain) yet are still marketed to sacroiliac patients. These include various types of back braces, traction devices, postural correction devices and an assortment of items that is best described as “plastic junk” for lack of a more suitable technical term. Consumers are advised to stay far away from these ineffective products and not support the companies that are looking to capitalize on general patient ignorance.
Some products might even be harmful, such as ingestible herbal preparations or traction devices. These consumer goods can interact with drugs, cause injury and may even lead to death. Always clear any home-use product with your physician before even considering use. Better yet, just pass these garbage offerings by and focus your time, money and effort on professional diagnostic evaluation and treatment for optimal results.
Our proven Cure Back Pain Forever Program works great for resolving sacroiliac symptoms. You can get help anytime from anywhere in the world.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain > Sacroiliac Products