What is the relationship between colitis and sacroiliac pain? Doctors have been busy studying the increasing evidence showing a definite link between certain types of sacroiliac joint pain and various lower bowel issues, like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.
There can be many possible reasons for sacroiliac joint pain and most people with SIJ symptoms will not develop colitis. However, scientists have seen enough proof that some sacroiliac symptomology can be an early manifestation of colitis and other autoimmune disorders of the lower bowel.
This short discussion takes a look at what we know about the link between colitis and sacroiliac joint pain. We will explore several scenarios commonly seen by doctors who treat both disorders.
Colitis and Sacroiliac Pain Link
Spondylitis and certain types of arthritis qualify as autoimmune disorders much in the same manner as colitis. Symptoms are present because the body is actually damaging itself pathologically, rather than fending off an infection or external pathology.
Doctors are still not sure how and why autoimmune disorders occur, but there is considerable proof of a mindbody mechanism at the heart of many of these problems. Doctors know that the mind might create these syndromes much in the same manner as ischemic pain, since the conditions tend to respond well to knowledge therapy treatment, which obviously does nothing at all to change the anatomy.
The famous Dr. John E. Sarno wrote often about the relationship between autoimmune disease and what he called TMS or tension myositis syndrome. TMS is not a great diagnostic concept granted, but his work demonstrating the definitive link to the psychogenic process was nothing short of genius.
From an anatomical POV, there are chemicals in the body which cause autoimmune disorders and these are produced organically. However, while the chemistry of the diseases has been studied, doctors can not determine why the pathological change in chemistry occurs, since these particular doctors do not seek to prove the mindbody link. Instead, they are trying hard to find a purely chemical source, so that they can treat it incredibly profitably with a purely chemical solution: prescription drugs (aka poison).
Colitis and SIJ Pain Presentations
Colitis is often found along with ankylosing spondylitis and various other types of severe arthritis. Sometimes, the colitis is primary and the arthritis comes later, while in many cases, sacroiliac or back pain in the spinal joints might be a harbinger of future lower bowel issues to come. Remember that the true source of these disorders seems to originate in the subconscious mind and the conditions work using similar chemistry. Therefore, as with all mindbody pain syndromes, the symptoms tend to adjust and evolve, especially when actively treated.
Several famous people have been successfully treated for IBS, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis using a purely knowledge therapy approach. They stopped the drugs and focused on the subconscious issues responsible for actually sourcing the suffering, instead of treating the expressions of this suffering with toxic pharmacological therapy.
Doctors have also witnessed cases where chronic sacroiliac joint pain resolved with care, soon to be followed by horrific lower bowel disorders. The Cure Back Pain Network has been writing for more than 15 years about the link between chronic pain and the gastrointestinal tract, since the relationship between the 2 resides in the same singular symptomatic imperative, rather than 2 distinct anatomical causes.
Since modern medical science has over-compartmentalized the human organism to such an extreme degree, it is no surprise that few doctors see this truth and even those who do are often swayed away from changing any treatment protocol due to the tremendous profitability of maintaining the status quo.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain > Causes of Sacroiliac Pain > Colitis and Sacroiliac Pain